Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas from the Leichners!

Derek & Mommy testing out the angle (not close enough)

Oops. Too close, just a little too close (10 points if you can tell me what movie that line is from)

Jeremy & Nathan foolin' around

Oh, that'll do.
(I am not taller than Dan, by the way)


Marie said...

The picture looks great! Good to see one of you, too.

Malia said...

So cute!!

Anonymous said...

I need a copy of the "Oh, that'll do" picture. Nana

laura said...

looks good! i just saw dee's and thought to myself... she's got it easy with just one kiddo to corral... but that lisa... now she's got her work cut out for her :) quote sounds like the part from the beginning of Aladdin when the tradesguy invites the camera to come closer... oops a little to close. just a guess :)

Pat said...

Cute! What was up with Derek in the last shot? There's always one who won't cooperate, usually Jeremy! I love it and can hardly wait to see you all!

Lisa said...

Yes, Laura, good job! You get 10 points. That is from Aladdin. I used to be able to quote just about the whole movie. Since we don't have a copy, it's one of the few movies we don't watch 3 or 4 times a week, so I don't think I can still quote it, but maybe a few lines.

Nana, everyone is getting a copy of that picture in their Christmas ... I mean, New Year's card ... when they get sent out. :) I do need Jen's & Marie's addresses, though.

I think, Mom, that Derek was sticking out his tongue. Actually, considering we took about 20 pictures, the kids did really great for a change. I just showed some of the funnier ones. I didn't realize Derek was making a face in that one or else I probably would have picked a better one. But you're right, usually Jeremy is hard to get to cooperate. He was in a good mood the other night, I guess. I think the kids thought it was kinda cool that I was setting the camera on timer. Then when it started flashing more rapidly we'd all yell "Merry Christmas!" and **FLASH**!! We were laughing.

Jennifer said...

We have a picture from our wedding with our nieces and nephews that made our niece is screaming her head off and others are wary of the whole thing and one nephew was cheesing the camera. With how hard kids can be with pictures, I am impressed! The pics are great Lisa and I agree with Marie, it is good to see one of you!