Monday, January 15, 2007

Questions You Were Dying To Hear Me Answer

So John tagged me for this meme. I don't know if that means that he likes me or he just doesn't want to bother any of the other bloggers he actually does like so he picked me instead. But I'll play along.

1. I’ve come to realize that my ex-(boyfriend) --- is a good person, just not my person.
2. I am listening to --- kid shows on TV.
3. I talk --- a lot.
4. I love --- easily.
5. My best friends --- are my family members.
6. I lost --- my wallet once.
7. I hate it when people --- are selfish.
8. Love is --- powerful.
9. Marriage is --- hard!
10. Somewhere, someone is thinking --- "I wish I could be like Lisa."
11. I’ll always be --- about 10-years-old at heart.
12. I have a crush on --- John (there, that'll show him to tag me).
13. The last time I cried was because --- a song at church really moved me.
14. My cell phone --- is nonexistent as long as Dan hates cell phones.
15. When I wake up in the morning --- I'm very, very angry.
16. Before I go to sleep at night --- I get in bed.
17. Right now I am thinking about --- how much John likes me & wishes he could be like me.
18. Babies are --- a thing of my past ... except my friends' babies who I can always give back when I'm done with them.
19. I get on MySpace --- when I want to feel 15 again (how often do YOU want to feel 15 again?).
20. Today I --- actually slept until 8.
21. Tonight I will --- probably check my email & blogs for the 8th time.
22. Tomorrow I will --- have more kids in my home than the Old Lady who lived in a shoe.
23. I really want --- world peace ... but peace & quiet in my house for about 15 minutes each day will do ... for now.

So I tag Bevin, Trey, and Marie. But, really, if any of you want to do it, go right on ahead!! And I encourage you to give yourself a good laugh today & not take any of the questions too seriously. :)

***Update: Bevin, Marie & Trey have all done their Questions, so go check them out! Thanks, you guys, for playing along! It made me smile to read your answers almost as much as it did to see that John tagged me. :) (Just ignore the title to Trey's post, he didn't really mean that)


Wade Tannehill said...

Based on number 14 I think Dan and I would get along great!

Lisa said...

You mean there are others out there without cell phones?!

Marie said...

Wow my first tag! Thanks Lisa-I'm honored! brother in law and Dan would be best friends. He broke down for 1 month and got a go phone that way if his wife went into labor she could get ahold of him! :)

John H said...

See that's what you get for 'stalking' me! get TAGGED.

Re your crush taste...surely there is someone in the commonwealth of Virgina more crush-worthy..

I'm may change the saying on the wristband from 'WWED' (what would Emily do) to 'wweold' not only reflects my current musing about Lisa, it also reflects my personal feelings this morning when i woke up with aches and pains..WE OLD!